Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I Heart These Little Ones

This is a photo of Paul's cousin Patrick, his wife Elvira and their twin daughters Anya and Magda at their first communion. I met Anya and Magda when Paul and I traveled to Poland before our wedding and just fell in love with them. Their eyes - it's like they know something you don't...spooky in a good way. Happy First Communion girls!

Gypsy Needs This... As Does Every Dog in the Free World

This is, to me, the equivalent of finding a shirt you like and buying it in a few colors: if it works, it works. And this is clearly working for this dog.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Yo mama's not so different from mine

This is great - a new website dedicated to emails and IM's from mothers. www.postcardsfromyomomma.com. I have to say that reading them gave me a good laugh and some comfort that my mother is not the only one who CAPS EVERYTHING SHE THINKS IS IMPORTANT...like I LOVE YOU!....BE CAREFUL! Caps and exclamation points (Dad's big on those also!!!!!!!)
Here's a sample:

I went by and bought me a SKINNY LATTE - Sugar Free Cinnamon Dolce (Tall). I added 1 splenda package.
Oh my God! Was that good. I wished I had bought a grande one. I said I was going to treat myself once a week to one.
I didn’t waste anytime in drinking it. Boy was that good.
I think I am going to try mocha next to see what it taste like.
I forgot to tell them decafinated. I am okay though. It cost me $3.50, expensive cup of java, but well worth it.

Love you.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

So bad...

Ok, I know I'm not alone, but there can't be many worse bloggers...last post in February, so sad...
BUT, in the meantime, one of my cousins got me hooked up on Facebook, and I have to admit....I don't get it! Maybe just because I'm an avid blog reader, but you can't even post video clips (or rather they prefer that whatever you post includes you, which certainly limits my abilities to share anything outrageously funny or interesting). I mean, yeah, to keep in touch with people far away, but for people I talk to on the phone regularly?
So in that spirit, I thought this video was pretty funny:

Monday, February 25, 2008

Everyone's F***ing

In case you haven't seen these, it started with the top one, the Sarah Silverman and Matt Damon video. Below is the response. I admit, I'm not one of those people who really gets Sarah Silverman, but maybe this is accessible because of the people involved. Or maybe I need to give her a second look...

And her boyfriend Jimmy Kimmel...and alot of other people...had this to say-

Friday, February 15, 2008

Baracktyfying the English language

This is really funny. A widget created by Slate.com that shows all the different ways you can bend Obama's first and last names. Click on the "more" button to see all the myriad ways we can speak and never have to deviate from talking about Obama. ;)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cuts Both Ways

Just for the record, I believe in the need for this so called "Britney law" being bantered about. While the girl may ask for it from time to time, there is no real excuse for another human being to be constantly followed - hounded really - by packs of people ALL day long. Especially when there's reckless driving involved. That said, I can see the humor in the things she chooses to do knowing full well that the throng surrounding her isn't carrying cupcakes. Them's there have CAMERAS!